შინაარსზე გადასვლა

განხილვა:გიორგი (საკუთარი სახელი)

გვერდი სხვა ენებზე არ არის ხელმისაწვდომი.
მასალა ვიკიპედიიდან — თავისუფალი ენციკლოპედია

ITshnik: You created this page. Can you help me and say how you would spell this name in English? at the moment i work on some mixed-up interwiki links at Wikidata (see eg. d:Q1985538 and the linked items there). I found that გიორგი (საკუთარი სახელი) is linked to "Georg" (name variant which is basically used in Germany and Sweden). But the disambiguation გიორგი is linked to "George" (with e at the end). Holger1959 განხილვაწვლილი 06:19, 18 აგვისტო 2014 (UTC)[უპასუხე]

Hi. It's very complicated situations here. This article (by its contents) corresponds to Russian ru:Георгий but not English en:Georgy (name), which links to Russian article. There is no doubt in English it's en:George (given name) which derives from en:Georgios. Now about disambiguation გიორგი: It should be linked to en:Giorgi, I think. there are two tendencies of transliterations this name in English: First is translate ("George"), that basically refers to kings of old times, and the second: Not translate ("Giorgi"), that refers basically modern era. But again, Russian neither ru:Джорджи (links to en:Giorgi) nor ru:Георге (links to en:George corresponds to its English versions. I compare articles only on this two languages (besides my own) because I understand them well. P.S. e.g. I personally pronounce my name in English as "George". — G.G. 07:40, 18 აგვისტო 2014 (UTC)[უპასუხე]
thank you very much! Holger1959 განხილვაწვლილი 10:08, 18 აგვისტო 2014 (UTC)[უპასუხე]