[ხილვა] [რედაქტირება] [ისტორია] [განახლება]
იყენებს ლუას: |
ამ თარგის საშუალებით შესაძლებელია სურათების დაჯგუფება ზომით 7x7. სვეტებში ფოტოების რაოდენობა შერჩევითია.
{{ფოტომონტაჟი | photo1a = | photo1b = | photo1c = | photo1d = | photo1e = | photo2a = | photo2b = | photo2c = | photo2d = | photo2e = | photo3a = | photo3b = | photo3c = | photo3d = | photo3e = | photo4a = | photo4b = | photo4c = | photo4d = | photo4e = | photo5a = | photo5b = | photo5c = | photo5d = | photo5e = | photo6a = | photo6b = | photo6c = | photo6d = | photo6e = | photo7a = | photo7b = | photo7c = | photo7d = | photo7e = | size = Number indicating width of the montage (default: 200) | position = Position of montage: left, center, centre, right, none (default: left) | spacing = Number indicating width of spacing between the images (default: 1) | color = Color of spacing between the images (default: black) | border = Number indicating width of border surrounding the montage (default: 1) | color_border = Color of border surrounding the montage (default: black) | text = Text displayed below montage but within border, wrapped to montage width | text_background = Color of background behind text (default: #F8F8FF) | foot_montage = Footer displayed under montage beneath border, not wrapped }}
ნიმუში 1: მხოლოდ სურათები
{{ფოტომონტაჟი | photo1a = Sevilla Plaza de España 19-03-2011 13-36-19.jpg | photo2a = Torredelorotyteatrolamaestranza.JPG | photo2b = Sevila10.JPG | photo3a = Alcaz archiv sev.jpg | photo3b = Real Alcazares Sevilla Spain.JPG | photo4a = Pont Triana.jpg }}
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ნიმუში 2: შერჩევითი პარამეტრები
{{ფოტომონტაჟი | photo1a = Trujillo Perú PZ.jpg{{!}}Freedom Monument, in Main Square of Trujillo city | photo2a = Húsares.jpg{{!}}"Húsares de Junín" avenue | photo2b = Huanchaco.jpg{{!}}"Caballitos de totora" in Huanchaco | photo3a = Chan chan wall1.jpg{{!}}Chan Chan, capital of Kingdom Chimu | photo3b = IndependenciaPlazaDeTrujillo.jpg{{!}}"El Libertador" Hotel in Main Square of the city | photo4a = Huaca del Sol - Août 2007.jpg{{!}}Huaca del Sol, Political capital of Mochicas | photo5a = Vista de Huanchaco, Perú.JPG{{!}} Huanchaco beach | photo5b = Huaca de la Luna jt02.jpg{{!}}Huaca de La Luna, religious capital of Mochicas | photo5c = US Navy 070812-N-8704K-272 Alvako Coello and Lupita Carrion perform a dance during a closing ceremony for the Military Sealift Command (MSC) hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20).jpg{{!}}Children dancing "Marinera" | size = 300 | position = center | spacing = 3 | color = #FFFFFF | border = 3 | color_border = red | text = ''text'': [[Trujillo, Peru|Trujillo city]], From Top left to right: [[Freedom Monument (Trujillo)|The Freedom Monument]], Husares Avenue, [[Caballitos de totora]], Wall in [[Chan Chan]], El Libertador Hotel, [[Huaca del sol|Huaca or Temple of the Sun]], [[Huanchaco]], [[Huaca de la luna|Painted wall in "Temple of the Moon"]], [[Marinera|Marinera dancers]]. | text_background = #FFDEAD | foot_montage = ''foot_montage'': [[Trujillo, Peru|Trujillo city]], From Top left to right: [[Freedom Monument (Trujillo)|The Freedom Monument]], Husares Avenue, [[Caballitos de totora]], Wall in [[Chan Chan]], El Libertador Hotel, [[Huaca del sol|Huaca or Temple of the Sun]], [[Huanchaco]], [[Huaca de la luna|Painted wall in "Temple of the Moon"]], [[Marinera|Marinera dancers]]. }}
text: Trujillo city, From Top left to right: The Freedom Monument, Husares Avenue, Caballitos de totora, Wall in Chan Chan, El Libertador Hotel, Huaca or Temple of the Sun, Huanchaco, Painted wall in "Temple of the Moon", Marinera dancers. |
foot_montage: Trujillo city, From Top left to right: The Freedom Monument, Husares Avenue, Caballitos de totora, Wall in Chan Chan, El Libertador Hotel, Huaca or Temple of the Sun, Huanchaco, Painted wall in "Temple of the Moon", Marinera dancers.
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ნიმუში 3: გამჭვირვალე ფონი
{{ფოტომონტაჟი | photo2a = Húsares.jpg{{!}}"Húsares de Junín" avenue | photo2b = Huanchaco.jpg{{!}}"Caballitos de totora" in Huanchaco | photo3a = Chan chan wall1.jpg{{!}}Chan Chan, capital of Kingdom Chimu | photo3b = IndependenciaPlazaDeTrujillo.jpg{{!}}"El Libertador" Hotel in Main Square of the city | size = 350 | position = right | spacing = 8 | color = transparent | border = 0 | text = ''text'': [[Trujillo, Peru|Trujillo city]], From Top left to right: Husares Avenue, [[Caballitos de totora]], Wall in [[Chan Chan]], El Libertador Hotel. | text_background = transparent }}
text: Trujillo city, From Top left to right: Husares Avenue, Caballitos de totora, Wall in Chan Chan, El Libertador Hotel. |
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იხილეთ აგრეთვე
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- {{ინფოდაფა სურათი}}