შინაარსზე გადასვლა

თარგი:ინფოდაფა ქრისტიანული კონფესია/ინფო

მასალა ვიკიპედიიდან — თავისუფალი ენციკლოპედია

ინფოდაფა ქრისტიანული კონფესია/ინფო
ლოგო {{{ლოგო}}}
{{ინფოდაფა ქრისტიანული კონფესია
| icon                = 
| icon_width          =
| icon_alt            =
| name                = 
| native_name         = 
| native_name_lang    = 
| image               = 
| imagewidth          = 
| alt                 = 
| caption             = 
| abbreviation        = 
| type                = 
| main_classification = 
| orientation         = 
| scripture           = 
| theology            =
| polity              = 
| governance          =
| structure           =
| leader_title        = 
| leader_name         = 
| leader_title1       = 
| leader_name1        = 
| leader_title2       = 
| leader_name2        = 
| leader_title3       =
| leader_name3        =
| fellowships_type    =
| fellowships         = 
| fellowships_type1   =
| fellowships1        =
| division_type       =
| division            =
| division_type1      =
| division1           =
| division_type2      =
| division2           =
| division_type3      =
| division3           =
| associations        = 
| full_communion      =
| area                = 
| language            = 
| liturgy             = 
| headquarters        = 
| territory           =
| possessions         =
| founder             = 
| founded_date        = 
| founded_place       = 
| independence        =
| reunion             =
| recognition         =
| separated_from      = 
| branched_from       = 
| merger              = 
| absorbed            =
| separations         = 
| merged_into         =
| defunct             =
| congregations_type  =
| congregations       = 
| members             = <!-- or | number_of_followers = -->
| ministers_type      =
| ministers           = 
| missionaries        =
| churches            =
| hospitals           = 
| nursing_homes       = 
| aid                 = 
| primary_schools     = 
| secondary_schools   = 
| tax_status          =
| tertiary            = 
| other_names         = 
| publications        = 
| website             = 
| website_title1      =
| slogan              =
| logo                =
| module              =
| footnotes           = 
Religion or Denomination

An image caption
შემოკლებით ABC
{{ინფოდაფა ქრისტიანული კონფესია
|name = Religion or Denomination
|image = Example svg.svg
|imagewidth = 150px
|imagealttext = A typical image used as an example.
|caption = An image caption
|abbreviation = ABC
|main_classification = Main classification
|theology = Main theology
|governance = Government structure
|founder = John Smith
|founded_date = 2010 January
|founded_place = Geographic place
|separated_from = Parent denomination
|branched_from = Big denomination
|merger = Denomination 1 and Denomination 2
|separations = Child denominations
|fellowships = Fellowships
|associations = Association of Churches
|area = Geographical area
|language = English
|hospitals = 1
|nursing_homes = 1
|aid = Humanitarian Group
|congregations = 100
|members = 10000
|ministers = 100
|primary_schools = 20
|secondary_schools = 10
|tax_status = U.S. [[Internal Revenue Service|IRS]] 501c3
|tertiary = 1
|publication = Publication Name #1, Publication Name #2
|other_names = Alternative Name #1, Alternative Name #2
|footnotes = footnote