თარგი:ინფოდაფა ენათა ოჯახი
{{{სახელწოდება}}} | |
გეოგრაფიული გავრცელება: |
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ლინგვისტური კლასიფიკაცია: |
[ხილვა] [რედაქტირება] [ისტორია] [განახლება]
ეს თარგი იყენებს თარგის სინტაქსის უკიდურესად რთულ და ეზოთერულ თვისებებს. გთხოვთ ნუ ეცდებით მის შეცვლას თუ დარწმუნებული არ ხართ, რომ გესმით მისი წყობა და მზად ხართ აანაზღაუროთ შედეგად მიღებული ზარალი. ნებისმიერი ცდა უნდა ჩატარდეს თარგის სავარჯიშოში ან თქვენს მომხმარებლის სივრცეში. |
The language family template is for use in articles about language families and groupings. It provides a common standard for displaying data about the family, and for navigating to larger or smaller groups.
{{ინფოდაფა ენათა ოჯახი | სახელწოდება = name of language family #REQUIRED | altname = alternative name(s) of the language family | acceptance = acceptance status of the languages as a valid genetic group | ეთნიკური კუთვნილება = people(s) who speak the languages as a group | რეგიონი = geographic region in which its languages are mainly spoken | მკვდარი = date family went extinct | familycolor = appropriate language family #REQUIRED | fam1 = the broadest possible widely accepted [[language family]] of which this language family is a part | fam2 = a more specific sub-family of which this family is a part | ... | fam15 = most specific sub-group of which this family is a part | family = whatever you want to say | პროტო სახელი = proto-language, if one has been reconstructed | child1 = a language or group of languages belonging to this family | child2 = another language or group of languages belonging to this family | ... | child20 = another language or group of languages belonging to this family | children = whatever you want to say | map = a map of the region where it is spoken. Format must be "name of map.extension" (without 'file/image' or the square brackets) | mapalt = caption for the blind | mapcaption = printed caption underneath the map. See {{tl|legend}} as a helpful tool. | map2 = a second map (or any image) | mapalt2 = caption for the blind | mapcaption2 = caption underneath second map | mapsize = overrides the default map size, which is currently 350px. Format must include units ("123px" or "12em"). Affects both maps. | boxsize = overrides default width of infobox, currently set at 22em. Format must include units ("12em" or "123px"). Useful when an article has various infoboxes aligned in a column. (Box will automatically expand to fix map wider than default box width.) | iso2, iso3 = ISO 639-2 or -3 language code (such as for 'macrolanguages') | iso5 = ISO 639-5 language family code | iso6 = ISO 639-6 code | lingua = the Linguasphere code for the family | glotto(2–5) = the Glottolog code(s) for the family. Set glotto to "none" if Glottolog does not list the family because it is undemonstrated (branches can still be listed under glotto2–5); set to "NA" if Glottolog does not cover more than one language or branch and so has not evaluated the family. | glottoname(2–5) = the names to be used in the Glottolog reference (can be cross-ref'd as name=Glottolog etc.) | glottofoot = set to "no" to hide the Glottolog footnotes }}